Building Amenities and Features
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- Building Amenities and Features

Workspaces and offices generally require certain physical and software enhancers to improve the quality of life for employees and building attendants. Modern buildings usually have integrated subsystems to monitor and control many of these features. Many additional amenities could be added to allow for an easier work experience and improved output.
Types of Building Amenities that could be added include;
1. Intercom
A local communication line between employees is vital for a smooth workflow and faster access to certain information. The system is usually connected to a central hub that collects all hardlines of the network and distributes calls around based on a set of device Identification Numbers which is set on each physical phone set.
2. Master Clock
Master Clocks are vital to clock in times and synchronize all slave clocks connected to it. Many computing systems and devices operate based on a master clock that timestamps certain data moving in a network and maintain an orderly system. It is especially important in a workplace to keep track of events, meetings, employee check in and checkout times, scheduled operations etc.
3. Call and Queue Management
Intercoms are usually controlled and managed by software integrated with the previously mentioned central hub. This is done via a piece of software which also manages and sorts inputs and outputs such as call orders, queue priority etc. Call rerouting, group meetings and smooth line transitions are essential in the workplace. Queue management allows customer calls to be handled efficiently and quickly.

4. Public Address
Public address systems are usually used to alert, inform or take attention of the employees or customers in a building. This is especially important to address a public message to the people in the building, whether to a certain group or a general audience. This system requires a speaker or audio system set around the building with an input source (microphone). Another example of usage includes playing music as ambient background audio and such.
5. Audiovisual System
The audiovisual system is an auxiliary entertainment setup where speakers, TV’s, projectors, accent or decorative lighting is used to entertain customers or even employees. This is an added feature that might improve morale or overall satisfaction of service or building.
6. Digital Signage
Digital Signage is regarded as the “front” or main attracting feature to a building. This uses an LCD or LED, Projected or any visual representation technology. On that display is usually a buildings’ or enterprises’ name, logo or a simple text. It’s usually utilized in public spaces or even indoor locations to attract customers or advertise a service. Information that can be displayed include;
- Public information.
- Internal information.
- Product information.
- Information to enhance the customer service experience.
- Advertising and Promotion.
- Brand building.
- Enhancing customer experience.
- Navigation.

7. Cellular Signal Booster
Cellular signals are usually poor inside of large buildings due to an increased obstacle count. This is a major issue since, in a modern digitalized world, most communication occurs with a portable mobile phone that solely relies on an existing cell signal. Signal cell boosters are devices that capture the outside signal and amplify it into an interior space using a set of external and internal antennas. This is passively set up and is usually available as a ready to install kit.
Benefits of Additional Building Amenities and Features
- Increased Overall Customer Satisfaction.
- Improved Workflow.
- Improved Output.
- Decreased Wasted Time.
- Increased Business Rating.
- Morale Boost for Employees.
- Improved Quality of Life for Employees.